I went by the station today. There was no one there and other than the *squish*squish*squish* and moved furniture, you wouldn't think anything had happened. The bookstore's storage (right next to us) also got hit, and most of their stuff is in cardboard boxes. I am not sure what we are going to do about on air stuff. I am going to go in to work maybe early tomorrow and see what I can do. It was a little eerie walking around the station. There really wasn't anything to take picture of, there were alot of down leaves and stuff on campus which I did take a picture of.
I am still weak as hell, but I figure a good night's rest and a shower in the morning should help.
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1 Kommentar:
I didn't hear about the 1190 flood until I read your blog. I mentioned it in the cu_boulder community, I hope that's okay.
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