Montag, Juni 26, 2006

Because deep down, I am still 16 years old

Stolen from Tim on Myspazz... thanks Tim!

Your Autobiography

Part 1: The Birth of You

- Were you a planned baby?: Oh hell no.

- Were you the first?: For my dad yes, mom no.

- Were your parents married when you were born?: yes, just barely.

- What is your birthdate?: July 31, 1983

Part 2: The Family

- How would you describe your family?: Crazy as all fuck. Both sides.

- Are your parents married? Divorced? Seperated?: Divorced.

- Siblings or an only child?: My half-sister who is 10 years older

- If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?: See above.

- What are your siblings names?: Heidi

- Which parent do you get along with best?: My dad.

- What do you fight about?: Don't really.

- Do you have step parents?: No but step-grandparents, I have many.

Part 3: The Friends

- Do you have more than one best friend?: You are correct sir!

- Who is your best friend or friends?: Londyn, Amy, Andrea, Matt (gay gold pants Matt), Daniel, Eleanor, list goes on....

-What do you like to do when you are together?: Wander mostly, hang out, get bored together.

- Do you share the same interests?: Yeah pretty much.

- Which friend can you tell anything to?: Uh, all of them. They are my best friends because they could blackmail me with what they know about me, so why not keep on telling them...

Part 4: Your Personality

- How high/low is your self esteem?: Depends on the day, weather, temperature, time zone, barometric pressure, etc.

- Do you get depressed about things easily?: No, although lately my moods have been kinda messed up.

- Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: EXTROVERT!... well most of the time.

- Happy?: Sure why not.

- Do you live life to the fullest?: No, but I am attempting to, yeah sorta, better than most I suppose.

Part 5: Appearance

- Are you comfortable with the way you look?: Not really but meh.

- What would you change about your appearance if you could?: Nothing, I just need to hit the gym more.

- Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: When you put it that way, no.

- Describe your hair?: Dark brown, color going anywhere from red to black depending on when and if I last dyed it. Short, straight, and trying to grow.

- How do you dress?: Like a DJ apparently.

Part 6: The Past

- Were you a strange child?: Yes.

- What did you use to love that you no longer do?: Dance, I need to sign up for some classes.

- Do you have the same friends?: Since when? Do I have the same friend since 1st grade? No. High school? Only a few.

- Was there anything in your past that was traumatizing?: Yes, when my grandmother's kitchen caught on fire when I was like 4 or 5. Therefore I don't deal well with hot things near my skin. Oh and don't ever yell at me. No joke, I curl up into a little ball and breakdown.

Part 7: The Future

- What is your ambition?: Used to be to become an astronaut. Now I want to be in the music industry doing something I love, club DJ, radio DJ, talent scout, whatever.

-Are you scared of growing old?: Not really. Dying, no.

-Do you want to get married?: Are you asking me? Cause we just met and you seem really nice but aren't you moving a little fast there buddy....?

Part 8: The Outdoors

- Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors, I love sunshine. Ironic that I burn easily.

- What is your favorite season?: Spring, right before the pollen attacks my allergies and Summer when it's not too hot.

- Favorite weather?: I got lots of favourites but warm sunshiney days and warm nights and snowy weather curled up with hot chocolate are top of the list.

- Do you like walking in the rain?: Well, I prefer dancing in the rain.

Part 9: Food

- Are you a vegetarian?: I live in Boulder so I am a meat-eating vegetarian.

- What is your favorite food?: Indian, Japanese, German.

- What food makes you want to gag?: Is mineral water a food?

- What is your favorite dessert?: Pretty much stuff with chocolate in it.

- What is your favorite restaurant?: Taj.

- Are you a picky eater?: Me? Hell no. I'll try anything.

Part 10: Relationships and Love

-Are you single or taken?: Who wants to know?? Oh right, single.

-Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: No, it is the most confusing emotion, anywhere from pure bliss to pure hell.

-Believe in love at first sight?: Or do I have to walk by again?

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