This is a short one...
My phone has been dying so I kept it turned off most of yesterday. I spent yesterday at HarMart and my grandmother's house (HarMart trip in future post). This morning I woke up at 5:20 and I felt so sick, I had horrible stomach cramps. Fuck, food poisoning. My stomach can be weird and sensitive to the mildest of food poisoning. I felt like I was going to puke. I wandered out to my car to get my phone (I left it there last night because I am dumb). I could barely walk, my dizziness was triggered by my stupid body being sick.
I called my dad and he suggested a cab there and back to fix it up so I didn't have to DJ. I am sitting outside, waiting for the cab I called and I go to check my voicemail since I noticed I had one. "Phone number 303 (must be a message from dad) 735-5880 (a campus number?)..."
"Hi Steph, it's Pat from the radio station. I was just calling to let you know that freak rain storm we had uh... flooded the radio station. So there is about an inch of water, it was worse earlier but we've been here for a couple hours cleaning it up. The station is going to be closed on Sunday and what this means for you, is that you don't need to do your show tomorrow, we are going to have some CDs running."
WOW. Well so the one day I get food poisoning, I don't have to DJ because our station is f'ed.
I went to bed and had two weird dreams including making out with Mabry at the station and going to Kathy's wedding (which was last summer) but she was marrying a guy named Rich and I was dating this asshole that looked like Travis (my ex).
I feel better now, and the only people allowed in the station at this point are managers. I think I may take a short shower, grab some of my dingy clothes and head over there. I am going to take my camera. I just want to se what the damage is and if I can help (because I am sure there are people over there).
And our transmitter was hit by lightning twice in the past two weeks, we blew out 4 electrical componenets. Matt (our engineer) went to call the company to get it fixed and apparently the University hadn't paided them the money we owed from them fixing the transmitter last summer. We are running on our "backup" which is vaccumm glass tubes and a piece of equipment from 1957. Instead of 6.8 kW during the day and 100 Watts at night, we are 1.2 kW, 24 hours. Which means we are 10 times stronger at night. We can do this for 2 weeks without calling the FCC. Matt worked it out with the company and we are going to get the components back sometime this week.
1 Kommentar:
Hey, quick note about your iPod...keep it, there are a lot of things you can do to recover the music that was on it (apple and geek squad prolly won't tell you to do it though cause then you wouldn't have to buy a new iPod :P) There are ways to hack into it though and recover the music.
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