Samstag, Juni 24, 2006

Men and me

It always seems that when you don't have the time to write, that is when you want to. It happened as I was getting ready to leave for the station this morning. Luckily, we have a Mac in the airoom (but how I dearly miss the Linux machine with two screen, let's hope it come back soon).

I suppose some updates are in order, my depression is much better and I actually started doing something about the fact I am living out of boxes, by unpacking them. I was once talking to our News director about migraines (since he used to get them) and told him how they once put me on a medication that basically made me bipolar (Lexapro) to counteract the side effects of my migraine prevention medication (Toporol). He told me "I really can't imgaine you depressed, like if one day I came into work and said hi and you just would glare at me.... I would think I ended up in a parallel backwards universe or something." I tend to be a really upbeat person most of the time, which most people don't understand or can't deal with.

I do hate that when I am writing and DJing I sometimes have to stop mid-sent---
Sorry, where was I? I had to change the CD.

Oh right, the fact that my entire life right now is the radio station...kay. I am there 7 days a week and hang out with station folk on my off time, and am working on station stuff in my free time. Talk to me and I have station stories. Why? I am dork. Oh! speaking of which, I have a new website I have been working on for my Tuesday night show Culture Clash. Check it out, add me as a friend, etc. Yay! All my HTML mad skill came in handy. Mike (our General Manager) needed help with his Myspazz site. As a thank you, he gave a me a copy of our CD of the month for June. Plus I helped with a few minor changes to the 1190 site because I could look at the code and figure out why Dreamweaver was screwing it up.

(I just had the joy of walking around with only one shoe in the UMC because I had to prop a door with one shoe to get to the bathroom, only to find they locked the bathroom and so I had to go wander to find a bathroom upstairs....I swear the UMC is trying to kill us)

I was talking to another DJ at the station (Sam) and she was telling me about how our music director had a falling out with his best firend, partially because he spet too much time at the station. It made me think about the number of guys who just give me a sideways glance because I spent so much time at 1190.

So I figured out a new set of guy requirements, because I have these strange obsessions, and I think in order to understand me, you have to understand that I have these odd things that I absolutley love and can't live without and will sometimes go into a wild frenzy for (most music stuff):

- Radio 1190, I love this station and 99% of the time I don't even think of my two jobs here as jobs. Plus when pledge drive come around, my brian is pure 1190 mode. If I guy likes me, he will at least attempt to understand my obsession and if he really like me, he listens to my shows (but is not a creepy stalker, I have enough radio stalkers).

- India. I love Bollywood, I love Bhangra, I love henna, I own two saris. Why? Not really sure. Maybe it's because before I had any friends in Boulder I would spend my Friday nights watching Asian Variety Show with all the new bollywood movie lowdowns and music videos (and then would go to the planetarium and after that, finish up the night with a few rounds of bowling). Maybe because India seems like this amazing fairytale dream and the girly part of me just glees when I get near anything dealing with Indian culture. Speaking of which, I am sort a pissed there was no Holi celebration this year on campus.

- Cultural identity crisis. I obsession over other countries including Germany, Japan, and Australia, Tuva (which is now part of China), and have this unquenchable desire to travel.

- Old music. My ex never got this one and would just make fun of me. I LOVE Frank Sinatra, Marlene Dietrich, Edith Piaf, and artists that are much older than that. I will listen to music that is over a 100 years old and just love it. I will also get on Marlene and Sinatra kicks periodically.

- Gnomes. I loved gnomes ever since I got Larry. I now own 12 gnomes. If a guy doesn't like gnomes, he can kiss my ass. Yes, I will take Larry places and take pictures of him.

- Harold and Maude. My favorite movie. Ever. Plus I love Cat Stevens and he does the soundtrack.

- Sunflowers. I love sunflowers. I am seriously happy when someone gives me sunflowers, even better when they are silk (cause I hate watching flowers die) or a sunflower plant (or plant that looks like a sunflower). I also love gerber daises, marigolds, etc. I swear I hate it when a guy spends so much money on a girl. If a guy ever buys be expensive jewlry or takes me out to a super fancy resturant, I'd kick his ass. I swear the best romantic things are when you spend only a tiny bit of money: cook a girl dinner, give her some sunflowers and a mix tape, then watch a movie. Boy howdy that'd be an amazing romantic birthday. Fuck expensive necklaces and dinners at akward resturants.

- William Shatner. Music, TV, movies, he's the man. Same with Bob Barker. Liberace cracks me up too.

- Costume. Any excuse to dress up in costume, I am there! I got a rep at the 1190 parties for wearing some crazy ass outfits, cause it is fun.

Wow, reading over this list, I am crazy mo'fo. I glee over so many random things.

Most of this list stems from a discussion I had about the ex with paleo-Jason. Although we had much in common, the ex didn't get me, at all, and that is why we broke up. If he had gotten me, he wouldn't have showed up at my work during pledge drive, totally shitfaced. Or at the very least, we would still be friends.

Oh and Londyn and I were talking about a good way to see if should keep a man...
Does he take care of you when you are sick?

Okay this has been a me me me post. Later today I will do another update that is less me me me.

Oh but while I am here, I given up on Mabry (DJ Mike who randomly works at the station). I haven't seen him in person since the night at the scumdowner, and he hasn't called me back. So whatever. It's all good.

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