Still haven't found the cable for my camera, when I do I will upload some photos.
Mein iPod ist kaput. For good.
Finally the tech guy in Minnesota gave me a call and quoted $150 for the new harddrive, that is on top of the $50 I already paid. No warranty whatsoever on the work. I said no way.
Fabulous. So they are sending it back to me.
I am currently looking to buy a new iPod, 30gig video and I am going to get the extended 5 year warranty eventhough it will cost extra. I did find a new one for $270 will shipping, which is cheaper than what I can get from Apple with my student discount. The other technology I am looking at is the iRiver, but mostly likely I will go with the iPod.
I have been going through various bouts of depression lately. Right now I am feeling pretty good, but there are some days when I don't want to even get out of bed.
I need to find time to go to the gym, like before work or something, but my schedule has been so booked between class and work. Plus with the depression it makes it a bit harder.
Meh, and I failed my music bussiness exam even though I studied my ass off for it. Fugger.
I don't really feel like writing now, maybe later.
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2 Kommentare:
I was seriously considering getting an iPod, but the more I hear from you, the less attractive it seems. Yay for getting to the gym (good luck!) and boo to depression
My Ode to Steppie, which isn't really a poem:
Sometimes in life, those who are only out to make a buck will find you when you're down, take your wallet, and kick you for good measure. Sometimes in life, your own emotions seem to jump ship to escape the wreckage and then those grey days seem even more doomy. Sometimes when the best thing for you would be physical activity, that's when it's hardest to make yourself do it. Sometimes life just isn't fucking fair. And then what? We cry... usually when no one is looking. Maybe we smile and tell people it's no big deal--even though it kind of is. Usually, we just keep putting one foot before the other and hoping this path will lead somewhere. We keep waiting. And sure, maybe it's time to stop waiting and to seize our lives and LIVE them dammit. Great to say, but how to execute such a plan? One of life's great mysteries hidden in a shoebox in the bottom of the closet? I don't know, but, my friend, when I find out--I will tell you. Why? Because you are my friend and I love you.
lefvluh- that sigh of total resignation... you know what I mean, I'm sure.
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