I spent about 3-4 hours in doctors offices today. Spoke to one nurse on the phone, got test results from another, got my stats checked by two different nurses, and saw two doctors (although the one wasn't the super cool dude but instead slightly "I am going to ignore your more painful symptoms" chick in urgent care) .
I've also decided that hell is figuring out how to put on and tie a medical gown. You go to hell and it's a bunch of people standing in public trying to find the second tie that ultimately doesn't exsist which just makes you sit there and fiddle with the one string going "it must tie to something!" Hitler of course, says it in German.
Anyway I have some stomach virus that while making my tummy hurt, has also swollen all of my intestines and stomach causese the nerves in my back to become pinched and explaining the horrible and unending pain in my legs. It all should be gone by Sunday.
Meanwhile I have Nexium for the stomach and Percocet for the pain.
And I thought my dreams were fucked up before!
And in studyin for my exam today (which I think I did okay on) I sorta watched three awful sci-fi movies, well not awful, just cheesy. One had Joey Lawrence in it, which took me a half-hour to figure out and then made me laugh.
Because I have no comments lately, I am assuming people have not caught up with my blog. Or in anyone does read it, they don't care enough to comment.
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2 Kommentare:
I've read every entry. I just don't have anything to say that would do any good.
Plus people are pretty busy. I've been to exhausted to keep up with anyone lately, I haven't even talked with myself lately.
Percocet dreams are indeed terrifically fucked up. Also, if you drink this Fourth, you should do it very sloooooowly. It can be done, it just magnifies the effect of both substances. And other than that, I, like ben, have very little helpful advice. But know that you're loved by a lot of people. And we're rooting for you.
zudxk- sort of like "duhhh" it's the sound one makes when figuring out the ties and snaps on hospital gowns. I feel your pain on that one.
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