Sonntag, Juli 02, 2006

Relaxing Weekend (*knock on wood*)

It's been a while where I can take a weekend to just kinda chill, next week will be slightly hellishly busy but I am trying not to think about it. I spent yesterday napping and running errands (only to realize this morning that I totally forgot a couple of things, I did get my Ipod back, btw). The pain in my legs was nearly unbearable again, I almost took a percocet during the day to help (I've been taking it just before bed), but in the end took a few Ibprophen and slept 3 hours. I did have a ton of fun during my show, I wasn't really tired, I got no callers, but still had a blast.

Friday my dad helped me clean and unpack. I certainly had some but not enough motivation to do it on my own. Plus he brought up my desktop which made me very happy because I have much music on there that I miss. Plus I will try to hook up my turntable to my computer (finally) but come to think of it, I am not sure if I have the software here.

I didn't really sleep well last night, it was this kinda half drugged up stupor and half dreaming thing. My limbs were fairly numb which made it interesting to try to turn over. My brain was really wanting to get up and do things but I knew I would just fall to the floor and not be able to get up.

My legs are giving me lots of trouble thing morning, I am going to take a handful of Ibprophen and head to the station.

Oh and I watched the last half of "Briget Jones' Diary" (I've never seen it before) and at the end, it made me really happy to be single.

Plans today include, baking for the party, trying to get my room to look pretty, doing a bit of artwork.

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