Donnerstag, Oktober 26, 2006


I got done training Ben (brand new DJ) at the station and it was snowing like a blizzard. I felt really bad cause I am sure Matt walked home in it, if he would have stayed I would have gladly given him a ride... I didn't know it was going to snow.

Matt and Eric cleaned the board... so nice... without an inch thick of grim it almost feels like we aren't in some dank basement doing radio. The mold always reminds me otherwise.

Matt cracks me up. Everytime I hang out with him it just makes me want to hang out with him more... he was playing fab jazz while he and Eric cleaned the board. Ben and I were waiting until they were done so Ben could do his training. Then Matt puts in Covenant, I so didn't see him as a Covenant sort of person. It made me smile. It also made me desperately want to go to the Church and go clubbing.

Speaking of, I have decided to change my Halloween costume because on short notice I am not ready to do Uma from Pulp Fiction... instead I think I am going to go as an emo/goth chick... like hardcore with bandages on my wrists and everything.

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