One hour later with two torn up hands, I gave up. The damn brake is near impossible to get back on. I threw everything back in the car (literally) and went and played video games to vent my shear frustration with the whole thing.
I suck hardcore on a bike but I am going to try anyway. I am taking it to the bike shop and having them put the tire back on and then I will attept to get it back into my without taking it off again. Because I suck on a bike I would love to get a trike or big wheel... however I have no money. Therfore I am going to need to get my balance back real quick.
I'll let you know if I end up in the hospital because there is a good chance I will fracture my elbow (for the 3rd time) if I fall down, which would most likely mean getting a metal pin in my elbow. And I have been falling into walls lately just walking around the apartment. I will be walking down the hallway and suddenly I am half slumped on the wall. It's sometimes funny in the morning when I am sleepy because I end up falling back into bed because I don't have my balance yet.
So why am I attempting to ride my bike if there is a chance I could kill myself due to my body being f'ed up? Well... I really really want to. I'd love to be able to ride my bike to campus rather than riding the bus cause the bus to my house is a bit of pain because it runs infrequently and driving everywhere costs me an arm and a leg in gas. It easier to find a place to park your bike than your car in this town.
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