I do love the sound of rain especially when I am reading or sleeping and I do love how cool it makes everything, I slept best when the weather is chilly. But I hate rain too.
Everytime a storm blows in, I get a migraine and/or a severe headache. Other factors are what usually turn the severe headaches into migraines. Nevertheless, it sucks. I can tell you it'll rain before the storms are over the mountains, I really need to time this gift, might come in handy if I get the headaches like X number of minutes before the storm each time. I figured out this low pressure headache when I went skiing with my dad and we passed through 4 storm systems along the way and I got four mind blowing migraines, I also got one going up the ski lift, and therefore it took me nearly and hour and half to do one run and then we went home. That was the last time I went skiing, almost 2 years ago.
I've started carrying honey sticks in my purse, by chance, which tend to help fend off the migraine because low blood sugar is one factor that will send me over the migraine cliff. I went to the boulder farmer's market on my way to get my bike fixed. I got lunch, a wonderful Japanese Chicken Golden Curry over rice. All day I was complimented on my purse, it was my corsage box purse from the 50's. On my way back to my car, I thought honey sticks sounded good so I bought a few. Oh and my bike, the cable was WAY too tight so it would have been impossible to put the brake on without help. I also bought a lock and elbow pads.
Later in the day I needed to go to Target, as I was walking into the store I felt the telltale sign that another storm was on it's way. This one felt bad. I grabbed a honey stick as I entered the store and way working away on the cinnamon honey as I did my shopping. It didn't totally get rid of the headache but it helped give me a bit of sugar boost to get through it.
Oh and I bought a ton of records at the KGNU record sale. I must have bought over a 100 records for $5. I could have gotten more but I was tired and hungry. Speaking of which, my food is done! yay! off to eat.
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