Donnerstag, August 10, 2006

Last night

I had two invited to go out, one board game night and one jazz club thing. What did I do? Stay at home, continue to be vaguely depressed, blow up cows and fling humans across the map. I beat "Destory All Humans". I really want to buy another video game. Soemthing with zombies... and humor.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

We missed you at game night. We'll be playing again on Sunday if you're up for it. A fifth player would be awesome.

Get Stubbs, The Zombie. Best zombie game since Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

Londyn hat gesagt…

My lovely,
I got your IMs. We do need to get together, I have your "cheer up" present and your birthday present. Plus I'm starting to forget what you look like it's been so long...
Btw, depression sucks, go here it made me think of you.

lsdrhvw -- I don't know, but it starts with lsd, so I'm betting it's AWESOME