Okay, there are tons of photos to come of me riding an adult sized big wheel in downtown Boulder. I really want now and modify it so I can ride it on like Boulder Bike Path, to and from campus, etc. It's a hell of a workout (both lower and upper body... when you have to carry it up steep hills) but it's a blast. I am having a hard time finding one.... anybody know anything about bikes?? I suck hardcore on a real bike ( I have a mountain bike but even then I still suck). I'd almost get a trike (yeah like little old people ride) but it'd probably cost me the same as a kick ass adult big wheel.
We were out till about 4:30 am riding. When the bars closed we ended up going to parking garages and racing down them. The whole parking garage roared with thunder and shook.
So we almost got ticketed by the cops when we were on Pearl St. We were out in front of Old Chicago and some of the guys started doing jumps including Ethan who is 6 and adorable, then we we were going to take off to Hapa and on to Sundowner (aka Scumdowner). Captain Obvious was pretty drunk.... okay really drunk and I was riding with his fiancee Amy and Peter (an extreme big wheeler) and Chris (the pirate). We were going around warming up for the take off, I followed Amy around the corner and suddendly there was this cop... "Ma'm! You can't ride your bike on Pearl Steet!!" I kept pedaling only cause no one else stopped. He yelled at me again so I got off. I picked up the rig and walked down toward the scumdowner,and walked away from the cop... as soon as I got off my ride, everyone else did. Captain talked us out of a ticket for riding our "bikes" on pearl street, there were 4 cops. We went to the Scumdowner and then moved on.
Later at the first parking garage a cop came by to a group of us who were just sitting (and watching the cop car across the street to leave so the rest of us could go riding), the cop told us to knock it off. We hopped on our big wheels and went to another parking garage. After a while at that garage, another cop drove by (the wrong way on a one-way without his lights on) and started to turn into the parking garage. We pedeled as fast as we could the other way back to Pearl and came blazing out of an alley onto the mall. We went back after the cop left. Everywhere we went there were cops... we stuck to alleys and even then they were there. Talk about bored cops in Boulder. Slooooow Saturday night I guess.
I saw Travis (1190 office bitch Travis), Brook, Shervin, Brandee, Tony, Matt H, and Ben that night.
Oh and the gay straight boy... nearly forgot. Yes they exsist.
Okay a gay straight man is a straight man with all the qualities of a gay man but is actually straight.
"The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual males spawned in Manhattan as a result of overexposure to fashion, exotic cuisine, musical theater, and antique furniture." - Carrie from 'Sex in the City'
This guy, Jason, walks up to me while I am waiting outside Old Chicago for the crew to assemble. He is wearing skin tight black pleather pants, a tight black shirt (tucked in), nice black shoes. He is like a cross between my gay Matty and I don't know... a creepwad? lol Anyway Jason sitis down next to me and start talking, after a bit I introduce him to Larry (who was in my backpack for the ride). He is constanly winking at me, he has a bit of a lisp, he goes to dance clubs and bondage clubs, he is a theater preformance major at Naropa, and I thought I had dated enough gay guys that my radar was pretty much tuned... he screamed gay gay gay. He totally looked like some guy Matt would have dated but he did have this creepy vibe about him... like creepy. One of our riders had a really cool landscape shirt on and Jason leans over and says "I would totally tell that guy that I want to fall into his shirt but most people think I am gay but I'm not"
*inner monolouge* YOU'RE NOT?!?! Oh fuck I thought I had this all figured out... goddamnit.
Thank goddess he didn't have any paper on him, cause he did ask for my number. Oh and Ben stopped by and saved me for a bit from creepy gay straight man... who, at that point, I could not remember the guy's name.
Anyway, pictures to come. :)
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