I had a really weird dream last night and it is still haunting me this morning. I had a dream I was in Europe during the outbreak of a war and had to escape to a castle. What is strange is that during my dream I would feel physically cold whenever I would travel through a snowy area, like blowing snow against your skin cold (which it can't get that cold in my apartment at night in the summer) and when I finally got to the castle when I went near the fire it was much warmer. Little things like that, sensations and what not made it feel very real. Okay but that isnt why it haunts me, throughout the entire dream there was a friend of mine there and I have known him for a few years, and I have never had a crush on him except a mild curiousity of what it would be like to date him. So yeah it was weird because in my dream he saw me naked while I was taking a shower and it wasn't akward in my dream but now I am little disturbed. I know it isn't real but still, what the hell is up with my subconsious? And no, before you ask it is not any of the Jasons...
Oh and the guy in my dream almost kissed... again now it's akward in real life for me.
I think the reason I dreamed about him last night was because I was thinking about something he said to me recently. The rest I am going to try and blame on Half-Life 2. (Which I've beat btw).
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Well first of all, congrats on beating HL2. Woo go Steppie. Secondly, here's the thing with dreams, for the most part people agree that the stuff in dreams usually symbolises something else. Typically even psychologists will agree with this. And a commonly accepted reflection on being naked in a dream is less the sexual aspect and much more the "naked truth" aspect. (well and the longing for childhood innocence one). But mostly I'd ponder, is this someone with whom you want to be closer as a friend? Do you feel like this is someone with whom you can be totally honest? Or maybe you don't feel that way, but some part of you wants to feel that way? It may be more baring your soul than baring your... other parts ;-) As for kissing, the dream dictionary says some stuff about your repressed side blah blah blah, but I'm here to tell you, I've kissed a lot of people in my dreams that I'd never kiss in real life. And as for the awkward, as soon as you decide what exactly your relation with this person is, then the awkward goes away b/c you can remind yourself, "It was just a dream".
Hope that babbling was at all useful. LOVE YOU!
dyzeomx- the name of the new and awesome hair salon, tattoo, and piercing parlour.
I call bullshit on symbology in dreams. If you've ever read Freud and Jung, you'd know that symbols mean more for the analyst than for the dreamer. In addition, the division between the two methodologies is that Jung would argue for a collective mind, meaning things symbolize the same thing over and over while Freud says that symbols are constantly change and individual and their meaning is contained solely within the interpretation rather than in the symbol itself.
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