Montag, Juli 10, 2006

The "G" word

So there is a good chance I can graduate in December. I know, me... graduating. Who'd thunk it? Well it would be graduating with a degree in Geology, the only thing that stand between me and it, is 9 credit hours. But with me, nothing is ever that simple.

My orginal plan, back in the day when I wanted to do Mars (but then realized I would shoot myself if I had to write science papers for a living) I was going to take Geophysics. In our Geology program we have the choice of two of these three courses: Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Paleobiology. I took Geochem about 3 years ago, it wasn't easy but I got through it (in fact is supposed to be one of the hardest classes in the dept.) But back then taking Paleo didn't make much sense for my Mars thing which sucks cause I enjoy fossils. Well stupid me realized this weekend with this whole "I want to do music" thing that I don't need to force myself to take Geophysics which is only offered in the Spring and the main reason I was taking the whole year to finish. I am now going for the much easier and more interesting to me, Paleo, which is offered in the Fall. Yay!

Okay so I thought I only needed one other class to graduate, well turns out it's 2, Comtemporary Societies and Critical Thinking reqirements. So I think I may end up with Language & Society and a Japanese Literature class becasue a) they are not, or just barely full and b) they sound vaguely interesting especially compared to other choices in those catagories.

Now I am working on a Music Business Certificate, which is the other reason I was taking a whole year to finish, but with the "you can only take up to 6 credit hours at Denver while you are a Boulder student" B.S. was driving me nuts and begining to make this much harder to do. Unfort as well, Intro to Songwriting which I was planning to take is full (totally closed, no waitlist with both online and on campus sections) and Music Business II is at the same time as the offer I have to TA Henrietta's GIS class. Well I still haven't found a solution to the Fall classes (except e-mail mania to the head of the program who is the prof who teaches Songwriting), I have found a solution to the 6 credit hour crap.

I will graduate from Boulder with Geology in the Fall. Enroll to be a second non-degree seeking student at Denver in the Spring. Finish the certificate in one semester (because I will have only 3-4 classes to finish it and depending on stuff may take some other production classes). Off to Japan in July (if I am accepted to JET). And After a year in Japan... well... I haven't gotten that far in life planning.

And in all of this craziness, I still get to keep my jobs at 1190... the University Employment people said so. :-D

Woot! So I meet with my advisor Alan on Weds. to discuss gradumatation (and maybe get to meet his baby girl who he and his wife just adopted from China).

I should get to bed now however, I am supposed to stop by J-pop Jessica's house tomorrow because I might be house/dog sitting for her next week. I am going to cover her show on the 23rd which is great cause I get to burn myself more j-pop from her personal collection. I also need to plan my show tomorrow and finish off the 1190 MUFON t-shirt design.

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