Mittwoch, Juni 28, 2006

Short update

I am sick, no idea what is wrong with me, can't eat much beyond crackers without my stomach freaking out. Now I have unexplained pains in my legs. Going to the clinic today. Maybe they can give me a new body.

Station smells like wet dog. Apparently we had 3-4 inches of water in the place. We are back on air (as of Monday 9am) but you really can't hear us because the transmitter won't be fixed till later this week. Poor Matt is working so hard to keep this place functioning.

I have an exam tomorrow which I am not ready for at all. *sigh* again.

Weird dreams lately including:
- Hanging out with Garrison Keillor
- Dancing at an outdoor goth rave
- Seeing Flogging Molly
(all of those were part of the same dream)
- Falling in love with a Shaolin warrior while we were both in prison (I know, I don't really get where this one came from either...) He was there to do a prison break for his friends that were wrongly imprisoned, I was a political prisoner. We met in the midst of gunfire during the prison break.
- Hosting a t.A.t.U. concert at my grandmother's house

These dreams had me waking up going "WTF!?". And I haven't taken any drugs....that I know of.

1 Kommentar:

Amesie hat gesagt…

hahahhaa, those are awesome. :) YOu are mighty screwed up in the head m'lady.

qnomf--the sound a duck makes when thrown at a brick wall at 43mph (you can thank Mike for that loverly definition)