Since Blogger merged my two accounts with this Beta google blogger stuff I have decided to make a new blog. For those frequent readers. I will let you know where it is... or just ask me. I am doing this for two reasons, one is disassociate my 1190 blogs from my personal life blog. The other is to kick start my writing with a bit more personal and less vague entries.
It's the start of the new year and maybe that should be my resolution... to post more.
4 Kommentare:
I highly recommend that you move to LiveJournal to make my life easier. Otherwise, I need to go and syndicate your new blog all over again, which is a fair amount of effort.
The other thing I was considering was creating a Blog/RSS feed for my website and going solo (i.e. - starting my own blog site so that I can post to my pseronal space like The Jeff does with If I do do that, I could set you up with a journal there.
I'm with ben - it would be cool if you did your personal blogging at LiveJournal (it is pretty good for that).
Either way, I would like the URLs of your new blogs if you've got them yet. :)
I just want to be able to comment on your new blog. :) I would definitely like to know the new location! :D
I too wish to know the location of this new blog of yours. And by the way, I spent New Year's Eve sharing a queen bed in my brothers apartment... with my mom. I feel your pain.
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