I dreamed about him again, the friend who I see 2-3 times a week and apparently my sub-conscious is infatuated with him. It's weird too, lately... well I haven't been dreaming at all.. or at least not remembering them which is very strange for me.
Last night I dreamed that is was like half my life (with guest apperances from people I haven't seen in years like Kate, my Matty, and Annie) and Bard's Tale. Well at least it wasn't a cross between my life and Ringu or Eye 2. (I watched Ringu 0 the other day... really really weird... kinda reminded me of Suicide Club).
Anyway in my dream the boy (I still haven't come up with a codename for him...)... er Lucas... from know on he's Lucas, because sometimes he reminds me of Lucas from Empire Records.
So anyway I was crying in my dream about how I am not going to graduate and I my body is fucked up and they don't know what is wrong and Lucas was half-ignoring, half-listening... he seemed distracted... and then suddenly he was saving me from something... I dunno a dark magical creature that was trying to kill as all or whatever. I had been crying so much I failed to see that it was about to kill me. There are many of my dreams that theme around Lucas saving me, I think it is partially the fault of the small amount of princess complex I have.
The princess complex: The idea that is put into your head as a little girl that there is this man out there who is perfect for you and one day he will show up on his white horse in shinning armor, sweep you off your feet and you ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after. This can be reenforced in adulthood via any romantic comedy or bollywood/B&W film or your fucked up head.
I don't think the princess idea is true, a man doesn't need a horse to ride off into the sunset or save me froma dragon... if a guy give gave a rats ass how I was doing ans showed some concern... that would do it for me. Flowering plants and stuff animals are nice too. And the sandworm question wouldn't come up until after I have been dating someone for at least 6 months.
Sandworm question: Your girlfriend is eaten by a sandworm. Do you...
a) Run away!
b) Avenge your beloved's death by trying to kill the worm although it might mean certain doom for you.
Yeah when all is said and done, IF (and that is a big if) I ever date again... all I ask for is a sweet guy who cares about me. And fortunately or unfortunately no one seems to have the interest in dating me anyhow. Meh. *shrugs* Whatever.
Back to Lucas... we kissed in my dream... again. I really cannot tell him about any of these dreams... what the fuck would he think. It;s just weird and a little bit crazy. Plus ti would probably force me to admit that, yes maybe I have a crush on him.
Ugh. I am going to crash... I played a lesbian Dracula with multiple wives last night and it just took a lot out of me. I should have tried to seduce Mina Harker, since she killed me in the end
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