So the Tuesday night show (Culture Clash) is going really well... in about an hour and half I have an interview with the French pop band Peppermoon. Right now I am just listening to my show from two weeks ago with the Manderin version of "Dragastea Din Tei" done by Furusato... yep, it exsists. Also I must learn the dance, and her arms are way skinny and long... freaky.
I got some cool stuff for my birthday including many CDs, new towels and sheets (I'm a dork and asked for them) and I got an old suitcase. I will take a photo of it, it's way way cool. My dad built dividers in it so I can carry CDs easily. He also bought me a book that has vintage international labels, it comes with a CD so you can print them out. My plan is too get some super sticky paper I can print them on and stick them on the suitcase.
My sister is out of the hospital, she got two concussions and ended up in the multi-trauma unit for 5 days. A box fell on her and hit the back of her head and it hurt but she didn't black out or anything. She was going to take a bath a couple hours later, started running the tub and the next thing she knew her husband was pulling her out of the tub. She blacked out, fell in with all her clothes on and hit her head on the faucet. She was out for about 10-15 min. She is doing betterish and her birthday is tomorrow.
I finished with my music business class. I think I got an A or A- depending on what he decides 91% is. I got a 100% on my 10 page paper I was working on, which is nice cause I spent a good number of hours on it between research and writing it.
Crap I should run, I need to head into the station and start prep work for the interview. To be continued...
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